Monday, December 7, 2009

Back on it

I just started taking creatine again this week.

And that, quite honestly, is the strongest stuff I take.

I'm Mr. Safe Guy when it comes to supplements. I blame my chemistry class in college. I enrolled in what I thought was the general ed chem class. Bill Nye The Science Guy I'm not; I'm a total word nerd and was a fish out of water in that class. How bad was it? I was the only student that entire semester that had to be warned by the professor to "not smell the beaker" in the lab.

It wasn't until about 12 weeks in and I was fighting to barely keep a C (which, by the way, you needed 73 percent to get, not 70) that I was told I was in the fast-track class for chemistry majors.

Since that experience, I've generally avoided anything that sounds too chemical-ish. An aisle at GNC might as well be the Anarchist's Cookbook or a Rachel Ray cookbook as far as I'm concerned. I comprehend phrases like "plasma volumizer" and "Beta-whatever" about as well as a gerbil reads Chaucer.

So, as a result, I've never really delved into the supplement universe that much. Whey protein and flaxseed oil is about as far as I've gone. And now I'm going back on creatine, since one month benching the same weight will do that to you.

I guess, any advice for maybe expanding my horizons in a way my ultra-safe personality type can handle?

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